Message from the WCTA President – Sep/Oct 2020

The Covid-19 pandemic has affected all of us this year, and it seems it will continue to do so well into 2021. Our WCTA board, like many other industry associations, has been faced with many difficult decisions. We have talked long and hard about the effects of the pandemic and what we need to do to best serve our members during these difficult times. We have polled our membership to get a sense of what is needed and we have explored numerous options for continued education and networking opportunities. As a board we have remained hopeful that holding our 2021 conference live and in-person would be still a possibility.

Read more: Message from the WCTA President – Sep/Oct 2020

Message from the WCTA President - Nov/Dec 2020

2020 has definitely been a year of challenges but I’ve heard that smooth seas don’t make good sailors.  Challenges force us to step outside of our comfort zone and learn new things.  They help us discover innovation in places we hadn’t thought to look before. Challenges help us grow as professionals in our field and as individuals in our life. Without challenges and hardships, life would be pretty boring; we would probably still be cutting grass with a scythe and fertilizing our turf with sheep sh… well you know.

Read more: Message from the WCTA President - Nov/Dec 2020