Message from the President - A Unique Conference Season

This winter will be a unique conference season for the turfgrass industry.  With multiple associations producing their own events from November through February, delegates and exhibitors must choose carefully where to spend their education and marketing dollars.  We’ve fielded many questions as to why the two (most recently three) events will occur this year, so let me briefly summarize the history and impact.

Read more: Message from the President - A Unique Conference Season

Final Message from the 2016/2017 President

It is my pleasure to report on the activities and accomplishments of the Western Canada Turfgrass Association through the 2016 operating year. Thank-you in advance for those attending our conference in Penticton, and to our distributors who recognize the value in committing to this venue.  Supporting the advance of our purpose; your participation has proven once again to drive this association’s success.

Read more: Final Message from the 2016/2017 President