Boardroom Yarn #35 - Maturity...That's What It Takes

12.01.11-Dave Doherty200by Dave Doherty

The one thing that I’ve found constant with every successful golf course, athletic field, racetrack, or tennis court operation I’ve worked with over the last 20 plus years is maturity at the management level. And it doesn’t matter whether it’s an active owner, board president, general manager, green chairman, director of golf, golf course superintendent, or grounds keeper.

Read more: Boardroom Yarn #35 - Maturity...That's What It Takes

Boardroom Yarn #36 - The Sports Turf Industry Weathering The Storm

12.01.11-Dave Doherty200The Sports Turf Industry Weathering The Storm

By Dave Doherty

The last five years have probably been the most difficult in the history of the sports turf industry. Recreational dollars have been at an all-time low and financing in many cases has been very difficult to come by. A recent article in the GCSAA Industry Spotlight indicates some of the difficulty:

Read more: Boardroom Yarn #36 - The Sports Turf Industry Weathering The Storm

Boardroom Yarn #39 - It Never Ends

12.01.11-Dave Doherty200During a conversation with a good friend of mine recently, he confirmed that the new Bermuda grass fairways sprigged last fall were coming along now that the weather had warmed up. Then the conversation turned to how the chemical side of the equation in conjunction with an aerifying and sand top dressing program was being achieved.

Read more: Boardroom Yarn #39 - It Never Ends