What's Happening @ OTRF

The Ontario Turfgrass Research Foundation has been busy this past year. We have moved our office to the new Guelph Turfgrass Institute and it feels more like home with each passing day. We have also been working at continuing to improve our membership benefits through a variety of initiatives including enhancing our web presence through social channels, website and content creation.

With all the new things happening, many things do stay the same. We continue to fund research projects that advance the turf industry with sustainable products and practices to improve the place we live, work and play. This past year saw some funding go to exciting new projects including:

Evaluation of overseeding sports fields with new species and cultivars: This project was funded to improve our understanding of utilizing new blends and cultivars of seed to improve field conditions for end users and help turf managers provide safer playing surfaces. Dr. Eric Lyons, University of Guelph.

An evaluation of stress response characteristics facilitated by endophytes in commercially available perennial ryegrass, tall fescue and fine fescue cultivars: Findings from this project will identify endophyte populations within commercially available perennial ryegrass, tall fescue, and fine fescue species and give turf managers a clearer picture of how endophytes can improve turf quality and stress tolerance. Dr. Alec Kowalewski, Oregon State University

Additionally, OTRF also continues to fund:

Testing probiotics to reduce nitrogen fertilizer & water usage in turfgrasses: Probiotic microbes for turf represent potential technologies to reduce the use of synthetic nitrogen fertilizer and water on turf areas by improving nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) and water usage. Dr. Manish Raizada, University of Guelph.

Evaluation of cold tolerance of tall fescue cultivars after de-hardening events: The project aims to further characterise the cold tolerance of tall fescue cultivars after potential events of dehardening. Our results will inform the public and turf industry of the best cold tolerant cultivars tall fescue for their lawns establishment of alternative cool season species and help improve tall fescue breeding strategies for cold climates. Dr. Florence Sessoms, University of Minnesota. 

Our focus is always to provide our members and the turfgrass community with the research that will have impact and aid turf managers in continuously improving their knowledge and operations. We are really excited to see the results of these projects and the value they will bring to the turfgrass management industry. 

Follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn, and visit our website frequently for previous research projects, information regarding new research, to learn more about membership or to submit a research proposal.