2017 WCTA Student Award Winners Announced

As presented at the Annual General Meeting during our Penticton Conference by WCTA Award Committee Chair, Peter Sorokovsky, we’d like to congratulate the following 2017 WCTA Student Award Recipients:

1. Justin Smidt, Olds College  $1250.00
2. Jason Morgan, KPU Turfgrass Management  $750.00
3. Alyssa Lake, Olds College  $500.00

We would also like to take a moment to thank our other award committee members, Dave Duncan, Kevin Neufeld and Scott Mitchell, for making the time to assist with this year’s selections.  It’s worth noting all nine applications were of very high quality and it was indeed an extremely difficult decision making process.   

Committee Chair, Peter Sorokovsky commented, “Student Award applications have been consistently improving every year and I’m encouraged by the strength and depth of our up-and-coming turf management professionals.”

Thanks to all those who applied, We’ll publish photos and thank-you’s in the next newsletter.