Olds College Horticulture Program Under Review


By Jerry Rousseau

This past June, Olds College officials circulated a memo amongst faculty and staff stating School of Environment programs were under review including Horticulture offerings.  The review comes on the heels of an Alberta government budget cutback which reduced the college’s program government funding by 7% and includes all programs listed in the School of Environment related to the Horticulture industry: LGAP, Environmental Horticulture, Production Horticulture, B.App. Science (all three majors), and Turfgrass Management.

Read more: Olds College Horticulture Program Under Review

List of WCTA Industry Members

12.04.24-WCTAlogo-grassonly.jpgMost WCTA Members probably don't realize the impact turf industry suppliers have in the support and success of our association.  About 18% of our members are suppliers of goods and/or services to the sportsturf mangement industry. 

The following individuals are active supporters and members of the WCTA and we hope you will support them in return:
(if you don't see your name listed here, let Leslie know at admin@wctaturf.com)

Read more: List of WCTA Industry Members

Construction Begins On New West Kelowna Sportsfield

Published: March 29, 2013 10:00 AM Updated: March 29, 2013 10:32 AM

By Wade Paterson

Chopped trees lined the area surrounding the site of the future Rosewood Sports Field Thursday as politicians announced the official start of construction on the project.

Rosewood Sports Field will be the first full-size soccer facility in the north end of West Kelowna.

"We have a shortage of playing fields in the district, we hear that all the time from the demographic that uses them," said Mayor Doug Findlater.

Read more: Construction Begins On New West Kelowna Sportsfield

Bank Accepts Offer To Buy Tobiano

By Tim Petruk

13.05.23-tobiano.teeAfter nearly two years in receivership, Tobiano appears to have a buyer.

"There is an offer that's been made on the golf course and it's been accepted by the bank," Quentin Granger, Tobiano's general manager, told KTW. "It's two private buyers — one from the Edmonton area and one from the United States."  Granger said it's still early in the process and details — as well as a closing date — are being ironed out.

Read more: Bank Accepts Offer To Buy Tobiano