Purchase of Fairwinds Announced

15.08.04-fairwinds.logoPurchase of Fairwinds Announced July 6, 2015

Bentall Kennedy announces that Vancouver‐based Seacliff Properties Ltd. has agreed to purchase the Fairwinds Oceanfront Community on Vancouver Island. The purchase includes the Fairwinds Golf Course, Schooner Cove Marina, Fairwinds Centre and development lands.

Read more: Purchase of Fairwinds Announced

First Green Feature Attraction at US Open Flag Day

14.04.06-First.Green.logoThe largest sporting event ever to be held in the Pacific Northwest, the 2015 US Open, begins June 14 at Chambers Bay Golf Course located near Tacoma, Washington.  First Green, a school aged kids program for grades 5 through 12, teaches STEM learning, Science, Technology, Engineering and Math, exposing kids to the game of golf by using the course as a learning lab, will be a feature attraction at the Open.  First Green was developed in the Seattle area over a decade ago and has expanded into Canada through the Western Canada Turfgrass Association.

Read more: First Green Feature Attraction at US Open Flag Day

Metro Vancouver Stage 3 Water Restrictions


editor's note:  the following affects golf courses, sportsfields and parks as well as residential and commercial watering.  Stage 3 has been in effect for just over 3 weeks now but we've been told that not everyone is aware.

Stage 3 Lawn Sprinkling Regulations are effective July 20

Due to unseasonably dry and hot weather, and record low inflows to our reservoirs, Metro Vancouver has further restricted water use.


Read more: Metro Vancouver Stage 3 Water Restrictions